CANDDID, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (CWP) and the ADHD Foundation have produced a series of informational videos 'Understanding and Managing ADHD' our topics include:

  1. What is ADHD?
  2. Understanding How ADHD Impacts Me Part 1
  3. Understanding How ADHD Impacts Me Part 2
  4. Should I Get a Formal Diagnosis of ADHD?
  5. ADHD and Relationships
  6. Managing Low Mood and Anxiety with ADHD
  7. ADHD in Women
  8. How Hormones and Menopause Impact on Women with ADHD
  9. ADHD Medication, Self Medicating and Addiction Part 1
  10. ADHD Medication, Self Medicating and Addiction Part 2
  11. ADHD and Executive Functioning Skills
  12. Healthy Lifestyle Choices and Strategies to Manage ADHD Successfully
  13. Why Thinking Differently Can Be an Advantage

Watch the videos using the drop down menus below: 

The first video our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CWP and the ADHD Foundation, discusses the basics of ADHD (Dr Tony Lloyd).


In the next video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CWP and the ADHD Foundation Tracy Dickens and Samantha Hiew discuss how ADHD affects their lives.


In the next video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, DC Daley Jones and Julia Hardman discuss how ADHD affects their lives.



This video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discusses formal diagnosis of ADHD (Dr Tony Lloyd and Arron Hutchinson).


This video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discusses ADHD and relationships (Colin Foley).


This video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discusses ADHD and low mood. Is how I feel really how it is? (Catherine Millan).


The next video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discusses ADHD in women and how it can be different (Maria Stebbing).


This video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discusses the effect of hormones and the menopause for ADHD women (Jannine Perryman).


The next two videos in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discuss ADHD medication, self-medicating and addiction (Dr Tony Lloyd).


This video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discusses self-medicating and addiction (Dr Tony Lloyd).


The next video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discusses ADHD and executive functioning skills (Arron Hutchinson).


The penultimate video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discusses healthy lifestyle choices and how to manage ADHD successfully (Josh Beale).


The final video in our series of information films, produced in collaboration with CANDDID and NHS, discusses neurodiversity and its potential benefits (Dr Tony Lloyd).


Additional resources: