Breathing, Relaxation and Mindfulness Tools

These tools can help people to manage anxiety.

Each person will find different tools helpful. You can find a recording of each exercise here and see it written down.

Tool 1 Breathing Exercises

Tool 2 Relaxation Exercises

Tool 3 Mindfulness Exercises

Beeathing Exercises Image Brave.png

Relaxation exercises image 2 Brave Tool.png


Mindfulness Exercises - Brave Tools 3.jpg



Tool 1: Breathing Exercises

Beeathing Exercises Image Brave.png


Click the links below to listen or watch
     Introduction  Listen

123 tool 1 brave .png

1. Breathe in and hold for 3 (used in every session of Brave)


Finger breathing - brave tool 1.png

2. Finger breathing


Candle brave tool 1.png

3. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth


1-10 Brave tool 1 .png


4. Counting your breaths


In 4 out 8 - Brave tool 1 .png


5. Breathe in for 4 out for 8



Tool 2: Relaxation Exercises

Relaxation exercises image 2 Brave Tool.png


Click the links below to listen or watch
     Introduction  Listen

at the beach tool 2.jpg


1. At the beach Listen

At the park tool 2.jpg


2. At the park


Butterfly tool 2.jpg


3. Butterfly relaxation Listen

Body relaxation tool 2.png


4. Body relaxation


Muscle relaxation tool 2.png


5. Muscle relaxation 


Waterfall Tool 2.jpg


6. Muscle relaxation and the waterfall


Muscle relaxation tool 2.jpg


7. Muscle relaxation and the beach – long version



Tool 3: Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness Exercises - Brave Tools 3.jpg



Click the links below to listen or watch
     Introduction  Listen

1 Mindfulness using our senses.png


1. Mindfulness using our senses  Listen

2 Mindful body scan.png


2. Mindful body scan Listen

3 Mindful eating.png


3. Mindful eating  Listen


4. Mindful touch.png


4. Mindful touch 


5. Mindfulness with an interesting thing.png


5. Mindfulness with an interesting thing 



6. soles of th efeet mindfulness.jpg


6. Soles of the feet mindfulness  Listen