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Autism diagnostic aid (ADA) tool for use in adults with intellectual disability: development, face and content validation
Dying from avoidable causes: a cohort prospective study to understand the characteristics of people with intellectual disabilities at high risk
Decision support tool for physical health (DST-PH): stratifying risks to reduce avoidable deaths in people with intellectual disability
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics Impact the Use of Restrictive Interventions in an Adolescent Inpatient Unit
Rehabilitation for adults with an intellectual disability and mental health and behavioural complexities: A scoping review
Co-design and pilot of a virtual reality intervention to improve mental and physical healthcare accessibility for people with intellectual disability
Do sociodemographic and clinical characteristics affect mortality rates in people with intellectual disability and dysphagia who have a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy? A cohort study between 2000 and 2022
Evaluation of a novel, multicomponent anxiety management programme for people with intellectual disability: protocol for a mixed-methods, quasi-experimental feasibility study
Universal Needs Based Resource Assessment (UNBRA) an objective approach to evaluate resources needed to support people with intellectual disability in an inpatient setting
Intellectual disability and autism in adults influence psychological treatments for mental health comorbidities
The potential unintended consequences of Mental Health Act reforms in England and Wales on people with intellectual disability and/or autism
Ideal models of good inpatient care for adults with intellectual disability: Lessons from England
Investigating the experience of professional carers supporting individuals with intellectual disability who were at risk of admission – a qualitative study
Caregivers experiences of caring for people with intellectual disability and dementia: a qualitative evidence synthesis
Co-design and development of a multi-component anxiety management programme for people with an intellectual disability
Intellectual Disability in Rural Backgrounds: Challenges and Solutions
Models of service development and delivery for people with intellectual disability
Setting Priorities for People with Intellectual Disability/Intellectual Developmental Disorders across the Lifespan: A call to action by the World Psychiatric Association
The Transforming Care agenda: admissions and discharges in two English learning disability assessment and treatment units
Dynamic Support Database Clinical Support Tool: Inter-Rater Reliability
Practicality, utility and face-validity of the dynamic support database.
Usefulness of current autism diagnostic or screening assessment tools in adults with intellectual disability (ID): systematic review of literature
Why am I still in hospital? Evaluation of delayed discharges from two learning disability assessment and treatment units in England
Using repertory grid techniques to measure change following dialectical behaviour therapy with adults with learning disabilities: two case studies
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy [DBT] with People with Intellectual Disabilities: A Systematic Review and Narrative Analysis
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