Welcome to the Decision Support Tool for Physical Health (DST-PH) training section.

This section has been developed to help those who need to use the DST-PH. Information on this page includes a breakdown of each element of the DST-PH and houses the official downloads of the tool and offline guidance documents.

How to use this page

This page is intended to act as a guide to help clinical staff effectively use the DST-PH. Throughout this webpage you will be able to find a comprehensive set of resources. These are here to support you in addressing an individual’s vulnerability of dying from avoidable causes, and what interventions to be put in place to reduce vulnerability

The content throughout this page covers key areas such as how to complete the DST-PH, commonly asked questions and answers and top tips. Each sub-page offers specific guidance on different parts of the tool, practical examples to guide you through the process, and suggestions for interventions based on the Red-Amber-Yellow rating system.

We hope that everything you may need is available on this page, however, if there is anything you can’t find please do not hesitate to email us at cwp.canddid@nhs.net

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