Calling all Experts by Experience, families and carers:
Help us become effective co-production partners in research.
- Date: Friday 18 October 2024
- Time: 9.30am-3.00pm
- Venue: Crowne Plaza, Trinity Street, Chester CH1 2BD
Is there a cost for this event?
- No – this is a free event.
Who is the event aimed at?
- It is aimed at people who use services, carers and families and those with lived experiences.
Can I bring a supporter?
- Yes, please register for a ticket for them as well.
How many people will be there?
- We expect approximately 100 people.
Check in arrangements:
- Registration will be open from 09:30 am and further directions will be provided on the day
Seating arrangements/room set-up:
- The room will be set up with round tables and you can sit with your supporter. We can reserve spaces together and this can be requested in advance.
Refreshments and food
- Coffee, tea and water will be available. Lunch will be provided – please ensure any dietary requirements are made known to the team as soon as possible, as well as on the registration form.
Quiet areas, breakout rooms and in-conference support.
- There will be two breakout rooms and there will be a quiet area for those who may need it. Supporters will be available for help throughout the day – they will be identified by a badge.
Where and how any groups / sessions will be run?
- There will be two keynote talks in the main conference room and two workshop sessions in the main conference room or breakout rooms. Workshop sessions will be in smaller discussion groups.
What does the venue look like?
- There will be photos of the venue and rooms available on the hotel website: Business 4-Star Hotels In Chester: Crowne Plaza Chester ( We will upload photos of the rooms that will be used after 5th October.
If you have any further questions:
- Please email:
- Travel questions or how to get there – please refer to the hotel website: Business 4-Star Hotels In Chester: Crowne Plaza Chester (