The Cheshire and Wirral NHS Foundation Trust Research Department aims to best enable the health and well-being of the population we serve, ensuring that what we do is informed by the relevant evidence, and the outcome of research studies is the most robust way to establish an evidence base for practice.

Research Lightbulb.jpgThe CWP Research Department takes overall lead on facilitating research activities in the Trust and on research governance. In addition, it has two academic centres that support research across the Care Groups:

  • CWP R.E.A.L. is led by Prof Taj Nathan and it sits within the Serious Mental Health (SMH) care group for governance purposes.
  • CANDDID is led by Prof Sujeet Jaydeokar and focuses on neuro-developmental conditions; it sits within the Learning Disability, Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Acquired Brain Injury (LD, NDD, ABI) Care group for its governance. There are also named leads within Neighbourhood and Children, Young People and Families (CYPF

CWP research is carried out by staff employed at the Trust, University staff and students, and pharmaceutical companies and is conducted to ensure that our core purpose, values and objectives are being achieved. The research projects range from staff post-graduate projects to worldwide first-stage human drug trials for Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.

The CWP Research Department comprises five full-time Researchers made up of Nurses and Psychologists, and it is headed by a Professor in Psychiatry.

If you would like to learn more about the CWP Research department please visit our website.